Recent events have inspired me to start this blog.
I want all of us to feel like a health rock star!
As most of you know I've become a bit of a health nut. Not in the "super fit" or "I run marathons for fun" way, but in the "I want to understand how the body works" way. I love to read and talk about it, much to the dismay of my sister.
One of the reasons I talk about it so much is because I care about those around me. I hear your stories of weight gain, pain, medications, surgeries, diabetes, arthritis and I just want to help. While I'm not doctor I do believe a simple changes in diet can make a world of difference. I don't want to preach, lecture or make you feel guilty. I'm simply going to document my journey. I hope you follow along.
As you may have noticed my blog title is "100 Days of Peeing on a Stick."
What. The. Hell. Your first thought, right?
Well, it's because I'm going to pee on one of these for 100 days in a row.
Technically, I'm going to be cutting them in half so I get 100. I'm thrifty that way.
These strips measure Ketones in your urine. I got mine at Target: $12.49/50 strips.
What are Ketones?
Simple answer: an acid created when a body begins to break down fat for fuel.
I will talk more about this as the blog goes on. Releasing ketones in a non-diabetic, insulin stable body is a natural process. Do not confuse with Ketoacidosis, which can be harmful or even fatal for diabetics.
In the next 100 days I will be training my body to break down my current fat stores. I will do this by eating a low carbohydrate, high fat diet. Yes, high fat. How does this work? You'll just have to follow along....
What I hope to post daily:
My current weight
My meals, including nutritional info and serving sizes
How I feel (mood, energy)
Pics of my ketostix
What else you will find here:
Nutritional Resources (you don't have to take my word for it)
Exercise Examples
Helpful blogs, youtube videos by health professionals I follow
This thing begins tomorrow!
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